Thursday 18 July 2013

What We Learned today at the Lake

It was one of those days....

However, lessons were learned. And, we soon were laughing about it all, To end a good note, we went out for dinner (a real rarity in our house).

Too bad we did not have a film crew following us around today. They would have gotten some great footage!

#1. Responsibility is a hard lesson to learn sometimes.
#2.  Mommy can run really fast back to our car to get a certain little lady's sunnies, hat AND life jacket when our boat is about to leave, and there is a que of others wishing to unload their boat. (also refer back to #1 on this point.)
#3. A red Canon Powershot WILL survive a quick dunk in a bitterly cold lake. However, from a previous trip we have learned a red Canon Powershot WILL NOT survive several dunkings, all in a row, in to a warm salty ocean. :)
#4. A buoy line, one of those yellow nylon ropes, can break pretty quickly, causing your "new to you" boat to come at a rocky shore awfully quickly!
#5.Chris can be out of his clothes and in to a floating away boat VERY quickly!
#6. Always eat a lunch down by the lake, when you have a boat tied up to a make shift buoy. Thankfully we were!
#7. Kids will keep going on and on and on... about Daddy in just his underwear swimming to the boat, and find it hysterical for hours!
#8. Two small children will flip a blow up tow toy on a windy day, on the lake, if they are not being pulled by a boat at that particular time.
#9. Melon bombs are the best when Daddy is teasing them.
#10. Hotdogs are best roasted over a fire on the beach and eaten on a rock.
#11.  Kids find just about anything fun, even pounding rocks apart to look for "gold"!
What a FULL day today was, living the life at the cabin!

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