Saturday, 13 July 2013

Day Trippin' from the Cabin

When we need a change, we head for a ferry ride across the lake -  Kootenay Bay to Balfour. There are two ferries, the old one and the new big one. It is always fun and the kids love riding the ferry! There is also a great ice cream place in Balfour, if you have time. Not to mention a delicious bakery almost next door - a dangerous combination! We then head to Nelson for groceries, gas and some time at a park for lunch and the kids to play on a playground.

Checking out things to do in the area.
Balfour Dock
The BIG ferry which can take a large number of cars, trucks, RVs, and even logging trucks! Quite amazing!

And on those coolish mornings, there are always crafts to be made, some music to be played, or stories to be read. Ain't life grand?!
Tomorrow we have a hike planned. We are not really sure where the trail head starts. The last time Chris and I hiked it was about 4 years ago. Now we have two kids in tow. It should be okay? Right???

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