Our cabin is an hours north, along the shores of Koooteny Lake, from Creston, B.C.. This also means we are fairly close to the US boarder, the land of cross boarder shopping! When you cross at Porthill, Idaho, you often see people from Creston crossing over just to buy gas! A few years ago, we made a brilliant discovery! At Porthill, there is a mercantile where you can have all you online orders shipped to, and they process them and store them for you until you pick them up!
So, over the past couple years we have ordered everything from toilets with special seats, to birthday presents for the kids to computer and boat parts! It has become part of our summer travels, while staying out at the cabin.
Two years ago, we even ventured further in to the land of plenty, down to
Sandpoint, Idaho, for an afternoon at the beach on Lake Pend Orille. It is a huge lake, over 43 miles long with a lovely town beach. It is a busy lake, with its surrounding shores full of cabins and parks.
Here Max, age 3 digging in the sand. |
Amyah, age 5, cringing from the cold water! |
This past summer we decided to make the same trek again. However, this time we went to Coeur D'Alene and spent the night. Again, there are a ton of places to shop, and we did stock up on things for the cabin. We also spent the day at a fab family place,
Triple Play. There is also the mega water park and amusement grounds,
Silverwood Theme Park. We opted to save that for another time when we had at least one full day to hang out there. Judging by the people we could see there, just from driving by on the highway, it is the place to be on a great summer's day.
Here are some snaps of Triple Play. We thoroughly enjoyed our day there and would return. We did not stay at the hotel attached, as it was full. But, if you do stay there is an indoor water park as well!!!
Woo Hoo!